Monday, July 30, 2007

Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Domain Name

Ever been to Western Samoa? No? What do you think of when you hear "Western Samoa"? I'll bet Harry Potter isn't the first thing that comes to mind.

Let me explain. The domain name extenstion dot ws (.ws) ist used by the country of Western Samoa, and it is not as popular as other extensions. Some have tried to make the extension more popular by using .ws as an abbreviation for website. Another use for it is commonly known as a domain hack where the extension and the domain name make up a whole word, like or The seller writes:

This is a sale of the internet domain name Perfect domain for any dedicated Harry Potter fan.

Use it to point to your myspace or facebook page or as your email address i.e. or

It is registered until 2009 but I doubt the deathly hallows movie will be out by then. Don't be a muggle and bid here.

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